Wednesday 23 March 2016


#saynotoxenophobia is a campaign that wants to stop discrimination against foreigners/ foreign people, my blog is about to address on how social media played a part in the hash tag.

The social media had negative and positive reaction towards this movement, but this movement was created because the attacks and discrimination were just inhuman, even the pictures that were circulating in social networks and video of torturing and burning people were inhuman.

 Social media gave people a platform to actually make people realize just how bad the situation was, the responses were positive in some instance as everything circulated even celebrities like Terry Pheto and even President jacob zuma got to intervene and also by posting status on social media interventions of celebrities

#saynotoxenophobia is also to serve as condemnations of the attacks being perpetrated in the country, South Africans have been at the helm of championing the conjoined hash tags, some on social media would be creative and start their own hast tags like #notinmynamewouldisupportxenophobia this made people to start realizing how serious it was, not only to those within our country who got see but also people abroad who got to see everything on social media.

Challenges that these foreigners that are being discriminated again is that some of the would actually not have an identity document to stay permanently which would be that they get deported back to their country, and some of the refugee camps as well do not accommodate them for a very long time and we might also face the fact that these foreigners would want to retaliate commission that comes with retaliation

Advantage is that some of these foreigners came in our country to study and that limits the rate or decreases the numbers of people unemployed which contributes to our countries economy, and some of these foreigners actually are qualified to work in top sectors. improving our economy, and also now that our ministers and the president of parliament have issued out statement it means that the attacks will come to a stand still.

Disadvantage is that in this whole process we have investors who are from different parts of the world, or people willing to do business with us, but because of discrimination they start pulling off those deals that might even make profit for us.investors turned away. , it also reflects bad on us as a country because south Africa has developed a friendship/relationship with these foreign countries.

As a public relations my recommendation would be that if our country does not want foreigners living in our country, that should be negotiated with the government, and not result in violence and killings of people because we all want to make an honest living at the end of the day, so if people feel that they are here to take their jobs then it should be arranged that they do not stay here for a permanent basis.

Student Movement #Feesmustfall


The campaign #Feesmustfall is all about students protesting about the fees increasement in South Africa Universities, whereby they feel that some of them would not be able to afford the fees or they may even drop out of the university resulting in them not completing their studies.

The social media response towards #Feesmustfall campaign was a positive reaction because in most cases many have been wanting to voice out their opinions about the matter and could not but now they can.

So social media gave students the platform to do that part, they did not only voice out their opinions, movement timeline, a movement that was ground breaking to in our country and not only in our country but as well as our different social networks

Students were involved in decisions makings wherever they were, on Facebook, twitter even on Instagram, most of these students did not know what was happening but because social media played a big role they got to know. It is also worth noticing that however without instant connectivity provided by social media, it is unlikely that #Feesmustfall movement would have spread as quickly as it has.

Taking to social media to share relevant content, as in pictures,tweets and videos played a big part as well because in doing so other account users got to see them, created Facebook pages, imprinted T-shirts and created posters that people followed and everything started trending, not everyone was still watching the news but people knew where they had to go to get information,free data for protesting students

The challenges that students faced was that because police were involved some got arrested and some got hurt during the movement,

It also did not make it easier when Minister of higher Education and Training Blade Nzimande said that there should be #Studentsmustfall, he was not bringing himself to see change in the system of our education whereby students were fighting for paying such huge amounts to get an education.

Advantages of the movement is that it gained recognition by our local celebrities who even wore printed shirts in support of the movement, students also got a response that there would no fee increasement for 2016.

As a public relations practitioner I would recommend that before students start to protest they would first have to have written a memorandum in which they could submit it to the vice chancellor and the vice chancellor takes it up to the relevant people who have authority, so that it can be handled in a manner that would not cause commission between student and the University.